How to setup remote docker host


Not all docker images are available for ARM architecture (hopefully this will improve over time). Right now I’m working on a project where images for ARM are not available. Emulation works ok (but slow) most of the time. Lately, I stumbled upon an interesting performance/startup issue when running amd64-based containers using testcontainers in an integration test.

26 Sep 2022

Multiple GIT identities


I have two GitLab accounts - "work account" and "personal account". One is for my professional work, it is registered to my work email. The second account is for my private/learning projects registered with my private email address. I want to keep those things separate and use two different identities when working with git. Lately, I’ve bought a new computer and had to set up this again.

12 May 2022

How this blog is build


In this post, I’d like to show you how I’ve started with writing this blog. How the process evolved during 3 years of writing. How I’ve finally managed to set up everything in a way that works for me now. If you don’t blog yet this might help you out with technical details on how you can start easily. If you already have a blog maybe you’ll be able to pick up some ideas.

14 Feb 2020

Toggable Cache


Sometimes it’s good to have an option to try something out on the live environment. Checking things against production like traffic is the most reliable way to gather real-life metrics. In this post, I’m going to try and set up spring cache with a toggle. It’ll be possible to turn it off and on during application runtime possibly using external toggle service.

9 Jan 2020

Testing randomness


While deep diving into the code I very often see people struggle when testing random changing/things. There is a really simple solution for this and in this blog post, I’m going to show you "one simple trick" that will fix this problem.

20 Mar 2018

NAT instance on AWS


At work and in my private time I’m trying to get myself familiar with AWS cloud. Almost all of this is new for me. I know how to setup few things using AWS web console but infrastructure as a code was calling to me and I wanted to give it a spin. My first task was to create VPC with two pairs of subnets for private stuff and here is why I did it twice.

27 Feb 2018

Dockerized e2e tests


In my free time, I’m trying to learn something new and best of way learning is by doing. To avoid spinning my wheels in vain I’m helping to develop some product. In the previous post, I’ve described what we’ve decided to use for the UI and pointed out that I’m going to write integration tests. Here is how I integrated selenium e2e tests with gitlab-ci/travis-ci/whatever by running them in docker.

15 Feb 2018

Testing MVC in Spring


Most of java web applications is built on top of the Spring Framework. Spring has pretty good support for testing and it is a mistake not to take advantage of features it offers. I’ve been developing various applications using Spring MVC for some time and I’ve noticed few patterns for testing that do work.

30 Jan 2018

From express and pug to HTML


While working on private stuff I’ve encountered a moment when I was in need to create a web-based user interface for the application I’ve been developing lately. In this post, I’m going to briefly describe why I’ve decided to use Node.js for generating HTML on the server side and how I’ve taken advantage of the javascript on the server side and in the browser.

23 Jan 2018