Simplified application versioning with maven


Version management in maven (especially in multi-module projects) was not pleasant and required multiple build steps, some magic commands and maybe bash script here and there. With version 3.5.0 new cool feature has been added to maven. From this version you can easily customize your build number from build tools using simple properties like ${revision} ${sha1} and ${changelist}.

29 May 2019

My first maven plugin


In the past, I’ve been doing various things with maven. Some of them were standard, some were more complicated and a couple of them were complex. For those complex solutions, I felt like I needed a plugin but I’ve never had enough time to write it properly. In this post, I’m going to explore the basics of writing maven plugin.

10 May 2019

Deployment with gradle


I’ve been working with gradle for some time but I’ve never needed to configure deployment from gradle to maven repository. In this post, I’m going to configure deployment of java based gradle project to the nexus artifact repository. This will include uploading a signed jar itself with javadoc and sources.

6 Feb 2019

Dependencies BOM


Managing and versioning a bunch of connected libraries or services is hard. It doesn’t matter if you are a consumer or a provider of it. In this post, I’m exploring two simple solutions which might come in handy if you develop an ecosystem of libraries/services or when you are a consumer of those. It is all about semantic versioning and import scope of BOM in maven dependencies.

18 Apr 2018

Keep your stuff up to date

best practices java javascript

Every codebase depends on multiple external libraries. It is a good idea to stay up to date with external dependencies. It is important to update all security related stuff and it might be helpful or fun to use latest features. I’m going to share my way of staying up to date with external dependencies in maven, gradle and npm.

30 Mar 2017